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Thursday, October 18, 2012

no blog post today

Yes that's what I wanted to let you know! That I don't really have a blog post for today because all of the content has been moved to my new blog but we have some tweaking and things to do before the new site is up and running perfectly! So this is a blog post telling you that I don't have a regular blog post written up but I'm still here!

Her new bed from ikea

In the meantime I'm hanging out on Facebook, baking, trying to get some walking done, trying to stay on top of the laundry, grabbing a bit of knitting time when I can and looking forward to the weekend.

Enjoying her new home

I'm also admiring the latest addition to our family - a waldorf doll. This is elodie's new doll and the girls have named her Melody. I just bought her because she was so cute and reminded me of elodie.


  1. Can't wait to see your new site! So exciting!! And Melody is gorgeous :)

  2. Where can we find your new blog?
    I love Melody too.


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